


3/27/00 - Drummer found! That's right we have a drummer. Also on another good note we are building a studio for recording and practicing very soon. Well I just wanted to let you guys know what's going on. If you have any queshtions contact us. ____Derek

03/20/2001 - Hey everyone! It's been awhile since we've updated, I apologize. We've been doing alot of exciting stuff lately! We've written 2 songs that are completely done, and we have 2 half way there, plus 1 with finished instrumentals. We still need a drummer, however seth's brother just got drums and may end up becoming ours if he learns fast enough. That's pretty much it. Peace out you guys. ___Derek


03/08/2001 - We've updated a little. Added some more pics. Both to The Band section and the Our Friends section. Does anyone have any suggestions for the future of this site? If so e-mail Derek or Seth. ____Seth


02/27/2001 - Alright everybody here's the low down, we need a drummer! If any of you know anyone who would be interested in drumming for us please contact us. They can reach the band at Which brings me to the next order of business, FeedBack mail! If you guys want to have an e-mail at FeedBack mail see the bottom. This address( is strictly for the use of contacting the band, if you want to contact me or Seth see the contact us section of the page. Other then the drummer situation we are doing fine. We've written more songs and almost have full set, but our future is up to you guys. We need a drummer, once we have one we will be on our way. ___Derek

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